Why you should not eat shapes!
We all like shapes but when you realize what is in them you might not want to have them so often.the world health organisation sets health levels and shapes does not meet this.
How much sugar is in shapes: 6.9g per 100g.
If the sugar in your food is under 10g it is exceptional and if it is over ten in can be terrible for you and you could get diabetes. Shapes is under 10g because it is a savoury food.
How much Sodium/salt in shapes: 853 mg
In your food the sodium has to be under 400g to be healthy but if it is over it's not healthy. Shapes are over 400g in sodium so if you have too much it could lead you to a heart attack .
How much fat in shapes: 18.6g
In your food the fat has to be under 10g per 100g just like the sugar. If you have too much fat in your food you could get diabetes or get very sick. In shapes it is over 10g so it is not good for you.
Overall this snack does not tick any healthy boxes and it is definitely a treat food to have a little.
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