WIT Our wit was to make a child friendly invertebrate resource to help identify a invertebrate in the Frankley School bush. My groups resource was a book.our book talks about all different invertebrates.my group was Sylvia and Tara.we had to write Questions and google words like adaptation and invertebrate to see what they meant. Then we had to go in the bush and make a trap for bugs. And then we had to make the resource (which was a book).then we had to sent an email to a entomologist to make sure the information was correct.and then share the resource with the class.when we had finished our resoure we interved some students from 10/11. they thought we could of done a hard cover book but they thought it was really cool.I thought my group worked ok I did think that we could do better because there were only 2 people getting a job to do and 1 just did nothing.